Chicago Access Users Group (CAUG) talk - "Class Modules in Access"

January 22, 2009

Kevin Anderson, Anderson Information Technology, Inc.


Goal = improve software quality (McConnell 1993):

·         Correctness

·         Usability

·         Efficiency

·         Reliability

·         Integrity

·         Adaptability (extensibility)

·         Accuracy

·         Robustness

·         Maintainability

·         Flexibility

·         Portability

·         Reusability

·         Readability (understandability)

·         Testability


Advantages of using classes/objects:

·         let's you create more complex objects than tables or queries provide alone

·         using classes within classes let's you restrict function visibility

·         class methods & attributes are more descriptive than module's function list alone

·         let's you use Intellisense for more efficient coding

·         no "ambiguous name" errors with multiple copies of the same class module

·         can copy class modules without worry of creating ambiguous function names

·         static variables are implicit in class objects, and so are easier to manage

·         isolating access layers within wrapper classes promote portability/maintainability

·         better support for separation of UI/business logic/data access = n-tier development

·         promotes modular thinking in analysis, design

·         easier to adapt many publicly-available object models to Access apps

·         prepares you for transition to .NET and other fully object-oriented architectures



·         can be more up-front work

·         encapsulation of data access subverts Access's built-in database mechanisms (e.g. locking)

·         can't call directly from macros, SQL; can't bind forms, etc. to classes/objects

·         limited due to no true inheritance

·         not available in Sharepoint Access databases (not likely to change owing to insecurity of VBA)



Example class add VB-like features to Access97 listbox:

Good collection like classes, like cStopWatch.cls:

Access MVPs' code libraries, with some good uses of classes:

Wrapper for image control:

Calling a .NET Component from a COM Component (i.e. Access):

Steve McConnell's "Code Complete, 2nd Edition":


Informative discussion threads:

·         "Faking inheritance in VBA to remove code duplication"

·         "Try #2 - Inheritance work-around in VBA"

·         "Good book on using Class objects in Access?"